Al0–: (continuant structure, conceptually higher transitive being)
Almaq: (verb) to get something transferred, to buy, to get, to receive
sound-signification/səs-andırım: . [a: high/up (uca/yxarı) + . l: transfer, shift (intiqal)] original meaning: to get something transferred from higher state, to get/receive something granted) ilkin məna: yuxarıdan intiqal tapmış nəsnəni əldə etmək, yuxarılardan ehda olmuş bizadın çatması) |
Al2: (adjective) red/qırmızı
Alma: (noun) (infinitive noun of “almaq”) apple (məsdər isim “almaq” felindən)
alma sound-signification/səs-andırım:. [a: high/up (yuxarı) + . l: transfer, shift (intiqal)] original meaning: gotten something transferred/granted from higher state ilkin məna: yüksək bir intiqaldan alınmış zad |
forbidden fruit/yasaq meyvə
The following shows how the concept of forbidden fruit has been brought about in language-thought primarily:
Aşağıda aydıncasına yasaq meyvə anlamının dil-düşüncdə bara gəməsi gözükür:
. alma: apple
. alma: something granted from the above
. alma: (imparative) Do not get!/Do not take! (əmri: alma/almagınan!)
At first alma indicated all fruits and greens granted in nature (as it has been so for apple and pomme . . .) then, it indicated just the known friut as apple today.
According to the meanings below even the concept of “golden apple” in Greek mythology could be justified:/Aşağıdakı məlara əsaslanaraq Yunan əsatirindəki “qızıl alma” məfhumu açıqlana bilər:
discontinant structure
qatmaz quruluş |
continuant structure
qatmar quruluş |
al (adjective) (sifət)
meaning: red |
al- (verb) (fel)
meaning: to get/take (some transferred thing) |
Allanma (aldanma): (infinitive noun from allanmaq: shifted into verb) the act of being deceived
sound-signification/səs-andırım: . [al: higher transitive being (yüksək təəddili) + . l: transfer, shift (çevir) + . n: self (öz)] original meaning: being possessed by higher transitivity ilkin məna: yüksək bir intiqaldan çulğanmaq |
Alın: (noun) forehead (isim)
sound-signification/səs-andırım: . [a: high/up (yuxarı) + . l: transfer, shift (intiqal) + . ı: down (aşağı) + . n: selfness (özlük)] original meaning: receiver of higher transitivity ilkin məna: yüksək bir intiqaldın alıcısı Alın (forehead) is the part of body that the destiny is written on it as wrinkle lines. Alın yazısı: forehead inscription → destiny (yazı: 1. shallow cutting 2. writing) and əlin yazısı (the lines of the palm) are two parts that the destiny is written/carved) look (bax) ? yarmaq ≠ yazmaq ↓ ↓ . r z . ز ر . |
Alan1: (adjective) true, honest (sifət) düzgün, düz üzlü
sound-signification/səs-andırım: . [a: high/up (uca, yuxarı) + . l: transfer, shift (intiqal) + . n: selfness (özlük)] original meaning: of transferred highness ilkin məna: uca intiqallı look (bax) ? dan (dawn) look (bax) ? yalan ≠ alan yalan [y+alan]: lie, false |
Alan2: (noun) maidan, field, area
sound-signification/səs-andırım: . [a: high/up (uca, yuxarı) + . l: transfer, shift (intiqal) + . n: selfness (özlük)] original meaning: [the place] with transferred highness ilkin məna: uca intiqallı [yer]
look (bax) ? dan (dawn) |
Alazlamaq: (shifted into verb) to scorch
sound-signification/səs-andırım: . [a: high/up (uca, yuxarı) + . l: transfer, shift (intiqal) + . n: selfness (özlük)] original meaning: to make something to get to higher transferred state [From higher position] the sun scorches! Alav (flame) came from the sky via lightning.ilkin məna: [yuxar;dan] günəş alazlayar! Alav göydən ildırımdan gələr look (bax) ? alav |