Oral Tablets (9)

Greek Myths In the Black Hole of Language-thought

By Naser Manzuri

In this book, some well-known myths in ancient Greece are conceptually-phonologically traced back into Azerbaijani Turkish language-thought. As argued here, absolute myth is a myth itself but myths are brought about in mythical thought rooted in language-thought.

Contents of this book:

Chapter 1: Sisyphus and the Conceptual Philosophy with Stone in Language-thought

Chapter 2: Isthmian Games

Chapter 3: Apollo (part 1)

Chapter 4: Phaeton

Chapter 5: Tragedy and Nostalgia

Chapter 6: Yer and Göy (Earth and Sky)

Chapter 7: Prometheus and Fire

Chapter 8: Qərə-aq [qara-ağ] (Black-white)

Chapter 9: Qərə and Aq Being Checked Conceptually

Chapter 10: Transformation of “Qra” into “Pro-”



How to buy this book? This book is available in Farsi. If you would like to buy this book, please email us at info@nacademics.com. We will get back to you soon.



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