Vowels (introduction)
There are 9 vowels in Türkü: a, ə, e, i, ı, o, ö, u, ü
These 9 vowel sounds function as dimensional aspect of word formation. Therefore, in steps, we will get better picture and understanding of the said functioning of the vowels. |
STEP 1: To get proper picture of the dimensional functioning of the vowel sounds, first of all, we have to take some physical being into consideration:
This physical being in its depth is referred to with the sound: ö
This physical being in its surface is referred to with the sound: ü
STEP 2: Then, we can imagine it in immediate environment. This immediate environment in Türkü is called “həndəvər” (the environment in reach or in touch!) (It is more probable the word “hand” in English is from this origin.)
This immediate and in reach environment “həndəvər” is referred to with the sound: “ə” (for slightly upper concept).
This immediate and in reach environment “həndəvər” is referred to with the sound: “e” (for slightly lower concept).
STEP 3: Then, it is the greater environment called “çevrə“.
This environment is referred to with the sound: “o” (for the nearer concepts of it).
This environment is referred to with the sound: “u” (for the farther concepts of it).
No, we try to have some clear pictorial 2-D model of these 4 vowels:
+ =
color yellow is “həndəvər” and white is “çevrə” .
It is so exciting that our mythical thought studies show that the environment (but not “həndəvər”) has been considered intelligent in the era of language-thought formation (pre-semantic era). Thus, the similarity with the system of vowel sounds has been brought about. According to this assumption the model below is gained:
↔ (uncertainty), ↓ (certainty)
Now we can consider “öz” (self) as the “core being” in the innermost of the cognitive world:
Then we can consider “man” as the “core being” in a 3-D model of the cognitive world:
Then, based on the core role of [ö] sound, man has extended his recognition realm and “həndəvər” against “çevrə”, the model below:
We will discuss that even the word “çevrə” is originally “çövrə” in Türkü but in Turkey it is pronounced “çevre”.
STEP 4: Now, give the model for the remaining 3 vowels (a, i, ı):
a: up, high, upward
i: in, inside, inward
ı: down, downward
A simple model of these 3 sounds:
in fact, [a] is the stronger concept of [ə]
and [ı] is the stronger concept of [e]
This is the system:
Now by putting these 9 vowel sounds together we will see the perfect 3-D model of them: