Naser Manzuri

Naser Manzuri, Theoretician and Director [1953, Miayneh, Iran] founder and M. D. of IDESA (Ide Shenakh-afzar) company. [This company theorizes, designs and produces linguistic structures and phonetics into applicable tools and means.] Author of about 25 books (15 of them theoretical), holding a registered patent (Modular Cognitionery Apparatus to Conjugate and Structurally Analyze Verbs [in Turkish, English, Persian, Arabic]). He considers language as the abstract form of the real world. Therefore, to study language, he started from Relativity theory, topological and fractals geometry, chaos, cognitive studies and mythical thought.


Eldar Jafarian

Eldar Jafarian [1974, Tehran, Iran] PhD Technical Manager

Farzin Asghari Arpatappeh, PhD

Farzin Asghari Arpatappeh [1989, Namin, Iran] is a language enthusiast focusing on tensorial nature of languages.

Mostafa Razzaqi

Mostafa Razzaqi [1976, Zanjan, Iran] The author of many research books. He works on many Turkic languages comprising, Türkü, Khalaji, and Qashqayi. Professionally he is a translator in Arabic and Hebrew. He speaks Turkish, Persian, Arabic, Hebrew, English.

Morteza Hoseynzadeh Soureh

Morteza Hoseynzadeh Soureh, [1984, Salmas, Iran], Verbal Analyzer, Mountain Climber
